Friday 19 November, 2010

Why small towns rock!

1. A day's worth of food costs less than a packet of cigarettes.
2.  Public toilets don't have the 'Men' half. Men can piss anywhere that isn't a door, car or person.
3. You can ride 3 people on a CD 100 and 4 on a bullet. Pulsars don't sell for the same reason. They have a very low km/rider average.
4. The average man on the streets isn't gunning for six-packs. Being over-weight just means that you have enough to eat.
5. The movie theatres are all on the same street. If they didn't have fences, you'd have a huge multiplex.
6. You can go from one end of the town to the other in about 10 mins. No wonder there are no local couriers.
7. You can find spelling mistakes in all the sign boards. It makes you feel truly well-educated.

Inspired by Bhale's style of writing. He writes here