Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Term 3 at IIMK...

15 articles on Indian economy, one 20 page case and 4 textbook chapters. That kind of sums up my typical reading list these days. Not out of any particular interest, but more out of the requirements of pre-class preparation. And then i remember, at at least one of the IIM GD/PIs, the interviewer had given a distinct smile when i had mentioned 'reading' as one of my hobbies. I can now bet that the others must have smirked on the inside.

And that is how the cookie crumbles. Term 3 started off without much fanfare. No one seemed to show any enthusiasm for studies on the 5th morning. In fact, there wasn't even the usual serpentine queue outside the PGP office for the collection of books. I cant say whether it was the effect of the long break, the New Years parties or the recession, but everything seemed pretty slow motion - as though lifted straight out of one of Night Shyamalan's movies.

A week into the term and we face another deadening prospect - Business Law. The very thought sends shivers down the spine. Soon we would be grappling with Article 212 of Section 23 of the Indian Constitution for breach of 'locus standi' ..... or was it Article 34 of Section 45 and wasnt it supposed to be a 'writ mandamus'. Well, atleast thats what the Supreme Court had ruled in TL Bhatnagar vs. State of Madhya Pradesh(1979). Ok... maybe State of Uttar Pradesh vs. TS Negar(1983). Hold on, wasnt the State of UP the defendant... oops... sorry.. the respondent - this is the Supreme Court ...damn it. So shouldn't it be TS Negar vs. State of Uttar Pradesh(1983)..... NO!!.... It was an appeal case filed under the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court over the inferior court. So TS Negar must have filed it under the High Court of Lucknow. But come on, dosen't that amount to violation of 'Nemo Judex in causa sua'. Hold on, what was the issue that we were discussing?! :-D

1 comment:

  1. BL eventually turned out to be a good subject(or is it too early to say?). Term 3 is a sucker.
