Sunday, 2 November 2008

Had written these earlier and posted them elsewhere... posting them here....

Somewhere towards August end....
9 weeks and counting... ... Things are beginning to settle down. People are beginning to settle down. But the dust has just begun to cloud the atmosphere. The questions of India, of language, of movies and summers and exams keep us awake when we shouldn't be. Or should we....
A lot is happening... a lot is being said, and a lot is being heard. They know we sleep in class. They know we dont want to attend lectures. They know that all we want is fat pay packets. And they know that they have a job to do, a responsibility to fulfil, a goal to achieve and a name to live up to.
We know they know. A fine balance. IIM K.

Around July mid.....
3 and a half weeks on Kampus and one thing is for sure - Success dosent come easy.
Decisions at every step, deadlines every hour and an overload of opportunities when you wake up. At IIMK, the server never sleeps. If you check your mail 3 times a day, you're not an internet addict, you're left behind. 'Do it more often.'

This close-to-a-month here has taught me the meaning of relativity. Ability to do your work is relative. The speed at which you do it is relative. The number of hours you have in a day is relative.

IIMs don't teach you how to manage people. They imbibe in you how to manage yourself.
Every single day, a reminder: SELF-DISCOVERY

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